Struggling With Porn?

QUITTR can help. We recommend starting with our porn dependence test.

Take the test
Quit porn. Download QUITTR app.
Quit porn. Download QUITTR app.
Quit porn. Download QUITTR app.
Key Takeaways
  • Pornography addiction can feel like a trap. Daily life becomes challenging as porn harms your mental health.
  • This struggle often leads to feelings of isolation and helplessness. The addiction seems too strong to overcome.
  • There's hope with QUITTR. Break free from porn addiction with guided support and recovery tools.
Why Trust QUITTR

With over 10 years of development, QUITTR has helped thousands reclaim control of their lives.

QUITTR's approach is rooted in science, ensuring the methods used are effective and reliable.

QUITTR understands the challenges you face and offers a path to recovery.


I have a porn addiction. Is there hope for recovery?

Acknowledging a porn addiction can be challenging.

You often feel like you're facing a battle alone. Porn impacts your daily life and relationships. This struggle can create a cycle of secrecy and guilt. But there is hope.

Porn impacts your daily life and relationships.

Practical solutions and support are available to help you overcome this challenge. You can recover and regain control of your life with dedication and the right tools. Change is achievable.

Did You Know?

The National Library of Medicine posits that individuals engaging in counseling for porn addiction experience improved emotional well-being, higher self-esteem, and enhanced relationship satisfaction.

How QUITTR Can Help

How QUITTR Can Help

Customized Guidance
QUITTR offers personalized recovery. It fosters hope by showing progress in your unique journey towards recovery.

Encouraging Milestones

Celebrate each step forward with milestone tracking. It will keep you motivated and hopeful as you overcome addiction.

Community Support

Find strength and hope through connections with others facing similar challenges. Join a supportive network for shared success and encouragement.

Break your dependence

How To Know If You're Addicted to Porn

You Constantly Crave Pornography

You might notice that thoughts of watching porn frequently occupy your mind. They persistently intrude even when you're engaged in important daily tasks or responsibilities.

Porn makes it hard to focus on anything normal.

You Can't Cut Down

You have tried to reduce or stop watching porn. However, you cannot resist the urge. The urges indicates a lack of control over this aspect of your life.

You cannot resist the urge.

It's Hurting Your Life

Your pornography usage is starting to take a toll. It can damage your relationships. It can hinder your work performance. It can also impact your self-esteem and well-being.

Did You Know?

Research from Trafalgar Residence shows that in relationships where one partner is addicted to porn, there can be a noticeable decrease in sexual satisfaction and interest in intimacy, potentially leading to relationship strain

Pornography Addiction - 3 Reasons for Hope

Porn Addiction Can Be Treated

Like any other addiction, porn addiction isn't a life sentence. There are effective methods and tools designed to help you overcome this challenge. With the right approach, change is possible and within reach.

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) focuses on changing harmful thought patterns and behaviors.
  • Mindfulness and meditation practices to reduce stress and increase self-awareness.

Porn addiction isn't a life sentence.

Many with Porn Addiction Have Recovered

Countless individuals have faced this addiction and come out victorious. Their success stories show that recovery isn't just a dream. It's a realistic and achievable goal.

  • Online forums are filled with success stories of people who've overcome their porn addiction.
  • Support groups provide real-life examples of individuals who have successfully rebuilt their lives.

Support is Available

You're not alone in this journey.

There are communities and resources dedicated to helping those struggling with porn addiction. From professional counseling to supportive groups, help is always at hand.

  • Professional counseling services specialize in addiction recovery.
  • Apps and online communities offer a safe space to share experiences and gain encouragement.

You're not alone in this journey.
Did You Know?

Research from Frontiers indicates a significant relationship between mental health and pornography use, including the onset of behavioral addictions.

Porn Addiction Recovery is Challenging

Pornography is Everywhere

In today's world, porn is always just a few clicks away on the internet. This easy access makes it tough to avoid temptation. It can lead to frequent relapses during recovery.

Porn is always just a few clicks away

Early Habits are Hard to Change

For many, the habit of watching porn starts at a young age. These deep-rooted habits are often challenging to break, requiring consistent effort and patience.

Technology is Becoming More Invasive

With the rise of smartphones and other devices, it's easier than ever to access porn discreetly. This constant availability can make recovery more complex. Temptation is always at your fingertips.

Temptation is always at your fingertips.
Did You Know?

Research shows that prolonged porn addiction can alter brain neurotransmitters, making the brain dependent on the chemical responses from viewing sexually explicit material. This dependency makes quitting challenging.

5 Steps to Recover from Porn Addiction

Acknowledge the Problem

The first step is admitting you're struggling with porn addiction. This might mean journaling about your addiction. You could share your concerns with a trusted person. Or you might say it out loud to yourself.

Seek Support

Find a support group for porn addiction, or talk to a therapist who specializes in this area. Opening up to friends or family who are understanding can also be helpful.

Set Clear Goals

Your goals could be specific, such as "avoid pornography for one week." They could also be broad, such as "improve my relationships." Writing these goals down and reviewing them regularly can keep you on track.

Develop New Habits

If you used to watch porn in the evenings, try filling that time with a new hobby. For example, you could learn a musical instrument. Or engage in physical activities like jogging or yoga.

Track Your Progress

Use an app like QUITTR to track your progress or keep a diary. Celebrate milestones like one week, one month, or longer without porn. If you stumble, note what triggered you and plan how to avoid or handle it next time.

Did You Know?

Quitting porn addiction is possible. Psychology Today argues that recognizing the problem and seeking the right support, whether through counseling, support groups, or self-help methods, can lead to successful recovery.

Did You Know?
How James Found Hope: Recovering From Porn Addiction

James, a 30-year-old office manager, realized his porn addiction was taking a toll on his personal and professional life. He felt disconnected from his friends and family, and his work performance suffered. James knew he needed to make a change, not just for his career but, more importantly, for his well-being and the relationships that mattered to him.

Determined to turn things around, James started his journey to recovery. He began by seeking support from a therapist who specialized in addiction. Alongside therapy, James used the QUITTR app, which helped him track his progress and manage triggers. He also found a new hobby in hiking, which became an essential part of his new routine, replacing the time he used to spend watching porn.

The benefits of his recovery were clear and life-changing. James felt more present in his relationships, leading to a renewed connection with his family and friends. His work performance improved significantly, and he even received a promotion. But most importantly, James felt a sense of freedom and control over his life that he hadn't felt in years.

Did You Know?
Did You Know?

Final Thoughts

If you're battling with pornography addiction, remember, there is always hope.

Overcoming this challenge won't happen overnight. It's okay to have setbacks along the way. What's important is to keep moving forward. You can do this by seeking support and using helpful tools like QUITTR. You can also find new activities to fill your time. You are not alone in this journey.

You are not alone in this journey.

With persistence and the right resources, you can regain control and start a new chapter in your life.

Action Plan: What To Do Now

Action Plan: What To Do Now

Download QUITTR app
Start your recovery journey by downloading QUITTR. Our app helps you break free from porn addiction.

Personalized Recovery Strategies
QUITTR offers tailored strategies and exercises to combat your specific challenges. Make your recovery journey more effective.

Gain Insight and Awareness
The app provides valuable insights into your habits and triggers. It helps you understand and manage your addiction better.