Struggling With Porn?

QUITTR can help. We recommend starting with our porn dependence test.

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Masturbation forms part of healthy sexuality for many people. It’s important not to develop shame or aversion to healthy masturbation by associating masturbation in of itself with your porn addiction. However, because many men have experienced porn as an intrinsic part of their masturbation habits (and increasingly from a young age) abstaining from masturbation as you reboot can be beneficial.

As you reboot, using porn is definitely worse than masturbating. However, if you regularly masturbate by imagining porn or fantasizing about fetishes or other porn-related scenarios, you will be reinforcing the neural pathways that are associated with your porn addiction.

Quit porn. Download QUITTR app.

For this reason, as discussed above, many men choose to abstain from masturbating during their reboot, particularly in the first 90 days. This might seem very long if you are used to masturbating regularly, so if you do choose this path then it can be helpful to set smaller and more manageable goals as you begin.

The most important priority is to quit porn and allow yourself to return to a healthier sexuality. Masturbating can absolutely be part of this new sexuality!

You can check out how to stop masturbation.

Quit porn. Download QUITTR app.
Quit porn. Download QUITTR app.
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